"Eerie Escape: Pursued by Elephants, Dodging Axes in Abandoned Building"
5 elephants chasing me and I'm hiding in one old building and one old man throw axe on me
Dreams about elephants can symbolize strength, power, and protection. The fact that they are chasing you could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or pursued by powerful forces in your waking life.
Hiding in an old building may signify seeking refuge or trying to escape from some challenges or fears. This may indicate that you are avoiding confronting certain issues.
The old man throwing an axe at you can represent a perceived threat or attack from a figure of authority or experience in your life. It could symbolize aggression, conflict, or feeling targeted by someone in a position of influence.
Overall, this dream may reflect feelings of vulnerability, fear, and evasion in the face of overwhelming circumstances or conflicts. It may be a sign that you need to address your fears and confront the challenges head-on to overcome them.